Friday, June 03, 2011

Must Be Present to Win.

One observation that I make while attending networking events throughout the week is that half the battle is just showing up. Many business owners or sales reps expect to generate revenue through networking by showing up once and a while. However, a big part of successfully implementing High Touch Marketing is remaining disciplined and keeping it perpetual.

When it comes to networking, people want to see that you are dependable, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and successful. It's difficult for them to perceive these qualities in you if you're always absent. Of course there is more to networking than perfect attendance, but that is a great place to start. If networking is part of your mix, then commit to it.

Keep It High Touch!

-Ernie DiMalanta

Monday, February 21, 2011

Put Zest Back Into Your Brand

If you haven't done much with your company identity, then you may want to start the new year revamping your image. Often businesses overlook the importance of freshening up their brand, updating their marketing collateral, and equipping and training their sales force with relevant tools. Failure to address these issues typically results in stagnation within the company culture, lack of direction and focus, and it can even have an adverse effect on sales. So put zest back into your brand by following these 3 steps:

1. Reevaluate your brand strategies

When was the last time your company looked in the mirror and reviewed your mission, vision, values, and purpose? Over the course of months and years your MVVP may have transformed into something different. That could be a good or bad thing. Either way, its imperative that you wrap your arms around your company MVVP in order to reaffirm your positioning. Then and only then, can you adequately adjust your brand messaging, strategy, experience, and guidance.

2. Refocus on Your Target

For some of you who are reading this, it may be easy to define your target. In fact, your clear understanding of your consumer has probably granted you loads of success. However, in recent years the economic landscape has been looking pretty gloomy along with your prospective pipeline. Take an honest look at the market place and factor in their needs, possible market segmentation and verticals, and your ability to reach them. Once you grasp key characteristics of today's market place as it relates to your business, you will be better prepared to align your brand image with your identity.

3. Redesign Your Communication Tools

Is your website ugly? Are your sales brochures/literature still listing services that you no longer provide? Is your logo and messaging outdated and irrelevant? How long have you been putting off revamping your marketing communication tools? Perhaps you're content living in a house with retro 70's decor, but most likely your employees, your prospects and your clients aren't too fond of the blue shag carpet. In other words, start renovating. But remember, don't redesign your communication tools without first resolving the first two steps mentioned above.

Keep It High Touch!

Ernie DiMalanta

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who We Are

The Dimalanta Design Group is a brand consulting and design firm specializing in brand planning, identity, and marketing communications.

Type of clients that we're pursuing are businesses/organizations who are...

updating their outdated brand
starting new product/service lines
expanding their brand online
merging and need to re-brand themselves
stale and need new life breathed into it
in need of updated marketing collateral
looking to advertise in print/virtual mediums (billboards, magazines, newspapers, online display ads, etc.)

In terms of size/type of business/organizations... We have worked with:

Large clients like Key Bank
Franchises like Blue Chip Cookie Company and Curves
Consumer product related companies like NERTZ
Small and mega churches
Contractors like CUC (Cincinnati United Contractors)
Kitchen and bath re-modelers, landscapers, dry cleaners, HVAC, fitness clubs, etc.

Cincinnati, OH 513.204.9220

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Make Yourself Available Online!

How many physical sales appointments do you think is possible to run in one week? Well, there are a lot of variables that affect the answer to that question. In the earlier years of my consulting I remember running between 15-20 per week! That is lot of driving, talking, and eating fast food in between appointments. Now consider this. How would you like to present to 15-20 potential prospects all at the same time from the comfort of your own office?

Small businesses and organizations have to learn how to take advantage of advancing technology. In this case I'm eluding to the use of webinars. This isn't a new concept. However, many of you haven't taken the time exploring the possibility of hosting webinars on a weekly basis. Just do a quick online-research on webinars and you will notice that the cost-per-month to present large amounts of prospects is worth it when you consider gas cost these days! (Check out

Take a moment and think about the potential of webinar use in your sales process.

Keep It High Touch!
-Ernie DiMalanta

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shhhh. Listen when you're Social Networking

Several days ago I attended a conference on eMarketing Techniques up in Cleveland, Ohio. Today, while working on my blogs, I remembered an observation I made at the conference that I wanted to share with my readers. It's nothing earth-shattering but I found it as a pleasant reminder for those looking to inbound their inbound marketing.

On separate occasions, every speaker encouraged everyone to "Listen." Now you may think that tip is a no brainer, but this is often the step that is skipped when engaging in social networking and is the one I like to begin with when I work with my clients. As you map out your social networking plan take a moment to listen to what's out there in your industry.

1. Read other blogs
2. Participate on forums
3. Follow key individuals on twitter
4. Subscribe to valuable RSS feeds
5. Join LinkedIn groups
6. Listen in on webinars

Whether you are trying to launch a blog, grow your twitter base, establish your fans on facebook, draw traffic to your Youtube channel. Remember to open your ears and listen. You will gain a better understanding of what your target will want to hear.

Keep it High Touch!

-Ernie DiMalanta